Introducing the flexible, modular and safe CUBE battery system with advanced energy density

Flexible and safe CUBE

Scalable and safe flexibitliy

CUBE properties

  • DNV and RINA Type Approvals
  • Flexible stacking for maximum utilisation of the battery room
  • 1 to 11 Battery CUBES per Battery String
  • Up to 137,5 kWh and 1,000 VDC per Battery String
  • Battery Cluster with up to 16 Battery Strings and 2.2 MWh
  • Innovative air-cooling technology ensures uniform cooling of all cells for the highest cycle life
  • No propagation in case of a thermal runaway on cell level and fulfilling of highest safety requirements
  • Environmentally friendly LFP battery without cobalt and nickel
  • Flexible Interface to Power Management System (CanBus, ModBus or others)
  • Including Pre-Charge functionality


  • Electric drives
  • Hybrid drives
  • Peak shaving
  • Hotel load
  • Load levelling
  • Energy storage